A trained Chicken plays Piano at Honolulu Zoo

Chickens get a bad rap.They run around with their head cut off and apparently we have been underestimating  their Intelligence all along and one Honolulu Zoo keeper set out to prove Chicken Intelligence.Chicken are so underrated because everybody thinks Chickens can not learn anything because of that we thought they are good for is only eating and laying eegs and now this keeper has come out to prove the world wrong about Chicken.
Using positive reinforcement techniqus, Nagatoshi trained Hawk, an eager to learn Hen, How to ring bell a bell, jump through a hoop, recognize colours  and even play the Piano. This Chicken above was reportedly perform “happy birthday” to chi;ldren who celebrate their birthday at the Honolulu Zoo.
However, the Phrase “birdbrain” would suggest otherwise, birds are consistently recognsie for their surprising intellect. This crow, for example, can solve complex multi-step puzzle. The American Scientific recently suggested that chickens might be at the high end of the bird intelligence spectrum, arguing that their comprehensive abilities merit better treatment on factory farms.
Professionals says “have learned that Chickens can be deceptive and cunning, that it possesses communication skills on par with those of some primates and that it uses sophisticated signals to convey its intentions, when making decisions, the chickens takes into account its own prior experience and knowledge surrounding the situation. It can solve complex problems and emphatizes with individuals that are in danger.”

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